This page includes program descriptions for the different K-8 grouping at our soccer camps in Belmont, Wilmington, and Wayland.
Soccer Curriculums
Our K-8 programs are presented in more detail below. The recommended grades for each program are also shown. We typically group campers in the same grade together, but the groupings are flexible if a parent would like their camper to be pushed up to the next group, for example, a first grader who is ready for new challenges beyond CSS FirstKicks who might want to be placed with the 2nd graders in the CSS Youth Development program.
CSS FirstKicks
Recommended Grade Range: K-1
Grouping: Co-ed
For the youngest players just beginning the game, our First Kicks program focuses on fun, exciting games that ask players to touch the ball with their feet. Without knowing it, they’ll grow more comfortable with a soccer ball, and start practicing the foundations for passing, shooting and dribbling. In FirstKicks, the schedule should keep young players motivated and having fun while learning basic rules and practicing simple game-like decisions
Activities are disguised as games. Instead of focusing on particular techinques or skills, games are introduced that ask young players to “pass,” “shoot,” and “dribble” to have success/score points.

FirstKicks campers Playing a game of Champion Castle Ball
CSS Youth Development
Recommended Grade Range: 2-4
Grouping: Gender groupings will be prioritized, but will remain fluid to give players the best outcomes for competitive play.
The Youth Development program mirrors an academy model. Through specific skills sessions, every player will spend one hour with a heavy dose of touches on the ball. To start, each player has their own ball for 30 minutes, working on specific foot skills that relate to dribbling, passing, and receiving. The second half of each skills session ends with 30 minutes of small sided game play, which again increases touch counts for players.
For small sided play, players are regularly moved around to promote a sense of growth and fun. This also helps dispense some of the regular features of youth programs – identity with one team, winning and losing – that can lead to the notion that winning is more important than skills development.
With an academy model, players are meant to first develop skills that allow them to control the ball, which in turn allows teams to control the game, which positions teams to have success.
CSS Intermediate Development
Recommended Grade Range: 6-8
Grouping: Gender groupings will be prioritized, but will remain fluid to give players the best outcomes for competitive play.
The Intermediate Development program should help players move beyond the technical skills and learn more in depth tactical skills. Areas like movement off the ball, defending 1 v 1, 2 v 2 and even 3 v 3 for more advanced players will be addressed. Along with technical and tactical training, the intermediate program starts to incorporate small amounts of physical conditioning as well
CSS Elite Development
For certain locations, weeks, and age groups, CSS offers Elite Development programs. These programs are designed and run for players with advanced technical abilities. This year, Belmont will offer one week of elite training for the 6-8th grade group. Wayland and Wilmington will offer several weeks of elite training across 5th-8th grade groups. Elite training is always grouped by gender.
CSS High School Elite
Recommended Grade Range: 9-12
The High School Development program involves extensive focus on the four factors of player development: technical, tactical, physical and psychological. Physically, players are pushed to attain a higher level of fitness. Psychologically, players are immersed in a more competitive atmosphere. We offer two types of camp: elite development camp with more of a technical and fitness focus, and elite scrimmaging camp with more focus on tactical play.
Soccer+ Curriculums
Soccer+ camps (soccer morning and other sports/activities after lunch) are offered only in Belmont. They can include classic camp games, such as capture the flag, dodgeball, and kickball in the afternoon. Other sports in the afternoon could include basketball, baseball, lacrosse, handball and more!
Learning proper volley technique (toe down)

Observing proper 1 v 1 defensive technique