Questions ranked in order of most common:
Q: What is your federal tax ID number:
A: 45-4482788
Q: My son or daughter is new to soccer, will this camp be appropriate for them?
A: Absolutely! Soccer camp is a great place to learn and develop skills. Champion Soccer School caters to all ages and abilities (the exception to this is our “Elite” camp programming that runs a week or two for older age groups at each camp each summer). We typically separate our training groups by age, and when numbers allow, ability as well.
Q: This is my son/daughter’s first experience at camp. What should I expect?
A: We get a lot of first time campers, especially at our Belmont camps at the Butler school. Many incoming Kindergarteners attend a CSS camp and get familiar with the building and getting dropped off, and this often makes them feel less anxious when they start school in September. On your registration, indicate that this is your child’s first camp. Our staff does a wonderful job of greeting newbies to camp from the minute they arrive. After you check-in, your son/daughter will be shown where they keep their belongings and then will be ushered into a warm-up game. Another staff member will help your child enter the warm-up, and provide a friendly face. If your child is having a difficult time, feel free to stay to help your child transition. However, we find that once new campers find out more about camp, they’ll be thrilled to stay!
Q: Can my son or daughter be grouped with a friend?
A: We will be flexible with your requests. For example, if you have an eighth grader who would like the challenge of training with the high school group or your third grader would like to be grouped with a friend in second grade, just talk to us, and we can try to accommodate.
Q: Do you offer scholarships?
A: Champion Soccer School has partnerships with Wayland Youth Soccer and the Daniel Butler School. We offer partial, and in extreme cases, full scholarships for families who are part of both organizations. Just email us at
Q: When do you send information on camp logistics?
A: We typically send an email out a week or two before camp with information about pick up, drop off, what to bring, and any other important information and logistics. Go to the Program Info page and select your program to find basic information about what to bring and camp logistics.
Q: What should I do if my child is sick, or cannot attend a day of camp for another reason?
Our staff is diligent about taking many attendance checks throughout the day. When your child arrives at camp we check them. When groups divide up, group leaders do another attendance check. With every transition we do a head count. The bottom line is this: if your child doesn’t make it to camp, we’ll definitely know, but it’s helpful to send us a quick email to notify us in advance.
Q: Can I switch one week for another and will there be a fee?
A: Switching weeks is allowed without penalty before March 31. After March 31, the $40 nonrefundable deposit from the original week will not transfer to the new week.
Q: What is your plan for inclement weather, indoor space in general, and bathrooms?
- Daniel Butler School: We use the Butler gym and cafeteria when camp is stationed at Butler. These are two large spaces and allow us to run camp very effectively, even if poor weather pushes everyone inside.
- PQ Park: We use the VFW building when camp is stationed at PQ park. The VFW building has a large community room. We typically use this room for lunch, although some older groups elect to eat outside under tree cover. Depending on the camp, we also offer arts and crafts activities for some age groups. These too will take place in the VFW community room usually between the hours of 10:30-1:30. When we are inside, we also can use the indoor bathroom facilities. When outside, there are two deluxe portable restrooms with flushing toilets and running water faucets that we rent.
At our camps in Wayland:
- We use the field house when camp is stationed at the high school. This provides us ample space to run camp activities indoors.
- We use the gym when camp is stationed at Claypit. The gym is only used for inclement weather and should be considered an outdoor camp.
At our camps in Wilmington:
- We have access to Woburn Street School in case of inclement weather.
Q: What do you do to keep campers cool and protected from the sun?
A: All of our locations we have quite a bit of tree cover for campers when they are taking water breaks and eating snack and lunch. When campers are in the sun playing, we make sure to remind them to apply sunscreen. For our little campers, we help re-apply sunscreen during snack break and lunch but ask that parents send their children to camp with their first application of sunscreen already on. Parents can feel free to give more specific directions on sun screen application in their child’s camp registration or speak with a staff member at camp.
Q: What do you do at the camps regarding handwashing?
A: We also remind campers to clean their hands frequently, especially around snack and lunch. We make this part of every day’s routine. We have running water at all locations. Some of our camp sites have indoor sinks, some have portable restroom sinks with running water, and some sites utilize hoses. We also offer campers hand sanitizer before chowing down their food. Again, parents can feel free to give more specific directions on their child’s camp registration or speak with a staff member directly at camp.
Q: What is the Soccer+ camp curriculum like and how much soccer is played?
A: We receive this question often! As of 2025, we have converted our old “multi-sport” camp to a Soccer+ camp to ensure soccer is a core part of every day’s curriculum. For Soccer+, we will play soccer until lunch time (around noon), and play other sports and activities in the afternoon. In addition, all groups are given a slot to use our HUGE inflatable slip and slide.
The afternoons may have different themes where the sport games for each day than follow that particular theme. So for example, on “throwing day,” campers may play castle ball, dodgeball, bombardment, or hand ball in the afternoon. On “shooting day,” campers may play basketball, a soccer shooting game in one of our two inflatable soccer stadiums, shoot on our giant blow up basketball hoop, or play our newest game: Action Drive N’ Dunk. Due to the fact that a large amount of our campers attend our Belmont camps for the entire summer, our focus is to vary the games somewhat to keep them exciting. Because of this, we cannot promise to play a particular game a particular week. However, we can promise that the games that we play will help increase your athletic skills , whether you’re an avid soccer, basketball, baseball or any other kind of athlete.